Because at 55, mother, wife, daughter, business woman (albeit a small business but yoga is my business!), resident of a planet my specie is slowly killing, witness to aberrations and atrocities all over the world and also of course, menopaused, life can be heavy, very serious and emotionally draining. A roller-coaster of emotions, of worries, of guilt trips, of questions, of what ifs and also whys…
I often wonder if my 15 year old self would like me, if she would approve of me and my life choices. I think she would… most of the time. But that 15 year old lost her lightness of being, stopped being joyful and carefree when her dad had a very serious car accident and was left between life and death for a couple of weeks and then half paralysed. I realised then that life can be harsh, heartbreaking, unexpected and really scary.
So this workshop is for all our inner children who are care free, who have not suffered yet, who want to have fun, jump, danse like no one cares and watches, those children who enjoy life to the full, are selfish and take care of themselves. Because that is what we will do, selfishly look after ourselves, just for 2 hours, and have fun and not care! We will drop the heavy stuff and we will be light !